Image-Scout is looking for male porn models in Toronto to make at least $500 for solo shoots which take about an hour or less to complete. If you do a shoot with another person the pay is a lot more at least $600 – $800 per shoot. If you’re really hot we can pay a lot more. We are currently shooting in Toronto and New York and Los Angeles but we also fly models in from all parts of the US and Canada. It doesn’t matter if you are straight, bisexual or gay we can use you. We go to many conventions and usually take some of our models with us. You will get to meet other hot celebrities, go to wild parties, and maybe even the PlayBoy Mansion. Imagine having all your expenses covered and getting paid at the same time!
We also pay $100 for male porn models we shoot that you refer to us. We treat all our models with respect and we have a lot of models come back for more work with us. Whether you are just here to earn some quick cash or if you’re trying to get into the modeling industry, Image-Scout is a great place to start!